Friday, July 19, 2013

always gold

(Sorry it's so tiny..but it's the message that counts!)

It's a little hard to explain.
When it comes to mission calls, I think we all have high hopes of getting called to someplace exotic. The ultimate mission experience! Preaching God's word in a language we've never even heard of. Well, mine was a little different. And the first time I read it, my eyes teared full of unbelief and I knew that this had been God's plan and that these people have been waiting for me!

I can't wait. It's going to be one of the most challenging things I do, but it will be the thing that makes the biggest impact on my life. I'm grateful that I had modern technology to help me capture and share this moment with my sisters abroad and my darling, Tayler. Thank you all for showing me unwavering love and support.